原创 比利时前大使:期待2025年中新澳彩资料免费长期公开四大才子欧加强合作,共创更光明未来 | 世界观
回望即将过去的2024年,比利时前驻华大使帕特里克·奈斯(Patrick Nijs)近日接受中新网采访时表示,2024是精彩纷呈的一年,中美两国在以人工智能技术为代表的新兴技术应用方面,共同发挥了重要引领作用。
As 2024 draws to a close, former Belgian Ambassador to China, Patrick Nijs, reflected on the year in a recent interview with China News Network. He described 2024 as an interesting year, emphasizing China and the United States' pivotal role in driving the adoption of emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence.
Looking ahead to the new year, Nijs expressed hope for stronger cooperation between China and Europe to tackle shared challenges, including artificial intelligence, climate change, and geopolitical tensions. He called for joint efforts to build a brighter future.
Additionally, he extended his heartfelt New Year’s wishes to the Chinese people. (Lin Zhuowei)
第三项 中国科学院动物研究所刘光慧、曲静团队与中国科学院北京基因组研究所张维绮团队合作的“衰老的程序性机制及重置策略”研究项目。